About Me and a Healthier You

TheSmoothieCure.com is the place for you to get researched and proven health information and recipes. I know your life is busy and time is a precious commodity, so you can count on short and to the point information and recipes that won’t take you hours to put together.

A healthier you means more energy, feeling great and living your life to the fullest. Every article and recipe here is focused on helping you achieve your health, happiness and longevity goals.

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On Dec. 18, 2012, Re: Diabetes, Dorothy wrote:

I am currently taking 1/3 cup FO and 2/3 cup low fat CC with fruit and honey and cinnamon, eating mainly fruit and vegetables (low carb to control my sugar levels which have improved markedly)…Any diabetics should restrict themselves mainly to low carb fruit and veg. I have gone from insulin dependent 12 months ago to being under control for the last 10 months, If it had been up to the doctors, I’d still be on insulin.


I have been following the GAPS diet for 5 months now with my son. I recently had to go back and start over following the Introduction Diet as you have outlined on this site. I was unaware there was an introduction diet but I am very happy to have found it. The introduction diet has made all the difference for my son in determining the foods he is unable to handle. Since starting the diet over, we have seen a huge transformation in his behavior and BMs. We have felt captive in our house for the last 3 years as a result of Tim’s behavior and constant watery stools. Last Saturday we actually had a day out. It was wonderful. We still have a long way to go but we are very hopeful as we have seen more improvement in 5 months than we had previously ever seen on anything else we have tried.


There are literally thousands of testimonials that can be shared about healthy eating, meditation and exercise that have saved peoples lives. The proof is everywhere!

I am so lucky to be on this journey with you. Thank you!!

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About Stacy Goebel, INHC, CH

How I went from not caring what I put into my body to opening my eyes to a better way of life and you can too!

Hi,  I am Stacy Goebel, INHC, CH. I am a single mom, with one incredible daughter. She has been a miracle and a blessing coming in at the preemie weight of 1 lb. 5 oz. back in 1992.  In 2008 I watched my own father suffer and fade away with cancer and in 2012 my mother passed away from ALS.

These heart wrenching events instilled in me a passion to help you learn how to use healing foods in your own journey in health and happiness. Nobody, not you, not me, not our parents and not our children should have to face a life of sickness and disease.

I started with reading books and online articles, joining health newsletters. I applied many new healthy eating habits to my and my daughter’s daily routine. We are both so much healthier, energized and fit!

I graduated from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition in 2016. I continue to research and learn everyday so I can give you all of the tools and information you need to be your healthiest you. July of 2018 I finished my Certified Herbalist classes (CH) and love all of the learning and helping I can give. Next on the learning horizon, Doctorate in Natural Health completed 2/2022 and my first book to follow.

So take your first step, start your daily smoothie routine and start feeling the benefits!


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Stacy Goebel NHP Doctorate Diploma


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