Hay Fever Sinus Allergy Help
- GAPS Diet Hay Fever Sinus Allergy Cure – has been used by many people with great success – very strict, somewhat difficult to adhere to.
- Heal your gut cure you sinus allergy- bone broth, collagen powder, gelatin, L-Glutamine, probiotics (Bifidobacterium longum, acidophilus), raw/slightly cooked egg yolks, pressure cook*/instant pot meats and vegetables*, smoothies easy to digest.
- Air Quality Indoors – Hepa Vacuum and Hepa Air cleaner, air ionizer keep hay fever triggers down
- Allergena drops – helps your immune system learn how to handle allergens
- Accupuncture
- Galphimia glauca
- Bacillus clausii
- Lower Inflammation – turmeric/curcumin, ginger, Cinnamaldehyde
- Astragalus Root Extract
- Organic Coffee
- Organic fermented soy sauce
- Seaweed, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus high intake may reduce allergic rhinitis
- Indian Oyster Mushroom
- Spirulina
- Black Seed Oil 40 to 80 mg per day
- Nettle Leaf 3,000 mg per day
- Vitamin D
- Bee Pollen
- Butterbur 50-100 mg twice daily with meals
- Quercetin 2,000 mg per day
- Serrapeptase 120,000 SPU
- Beta-Glucan 500 mg 1-2 times a day
- Far-Infrared Therapy
- Rebounding/mini trampoline
- Essential Oils
- Nasal sprays with xylitol and or colloidal silver
- Thyme Tea
- Marshmallow Root Tea
- Avoid
- Dairy
- Sugar
- GMO’s
- grains
- legumes
- additives
- food color
- preservatives
- stress
*Pressure/Instant Pot Cooking vegetables reduces phytic acid and lectins